About the program

Our program is a free, confidential telephone service.  

If you’re a resident of Canada, 18 years and older, who has been diagnosed with cancer, or you’re caring for someone with cancer, you can speak over the phone with a trained volunteer who has gone through a similar experience. 

Our volunteers are specially trained cancer survivors or caregivers with a wide range of cancer experiences and life stories who can share insights and ideas for coping during your cancer experience. 

You’ll have the chance to talk with a peer who will listen with empathy and respect. And you’ll have an opportunity to gain hope and encouragement by hearing someone else’s story. 

What we can’t offer

Our volunteers do not give medical advice. For medical opinions, please contact your healthcare team. 

This is a telephone service only. Our volunteers are not available for in-person visits or email connections. If you are unable to speak because of medical reasons, contact us by email. To receive support online, join our CancerConnection online community.   

We do not offer professional counselling services. Our volunteers receive training, but they are not mental health professionals and cannot provide counselling. To learn more about professional counselling services in your community, call 1-888-939-3333. 

Talk to someone who’s been there 

Get connected with a volunteer in 3 easy steps. 

  1. Register online.  
  2. Select a volunteer by identifying the things you’d like to have in common.  
  3. Speak with a volunteer on the phone.

Get started