Hi! My name is



My Dad's diagnosis has impacted my life significantly and I would love to be able to connect with anyone who wants someone to talk with or someone to listen. I would be honoured to hear your journey and to share mine.

Hi! My name is



From diagnosis to surgery I had 8 days to understand, accept and prepare. I accomplished so much in that 8 days including eating the last White Spot cheeseburger I would enjoy for 5 years. I completed my medical treatment with a prescription of my own - a reward for my family - we went to Italy followed by a trip to Disneyland where I overcame a lifelong fear of roller coasters and other thrill rides.

Hi! My name is



My Lung Cancer was detected when I changed doctors and went in for a routine physical. I was sent to a surgeon within weeks and I was scheduled for a Lobectomy within 6 weeks. The surgery was a success and my Surgeon was confident that they had got it all. As this diagnosis was extremely scary and fast, I found it a mental challenge for me after surgery. I met so many wonderful people through my experience while healing and also after becoming a volunteer myself. If sharing my story can help or give hope to even one person then my mission is accomplished.

Hi! My name is


Bill Adams

I was diagnosed in January 2001 as a follow-up to swollen neck glands following a cold. I had surgery to remove the stage 3 tumour and then 32 radiation treatments. During my treatment I had some communication issues, especially with my daughters. Trying to shield them from the difficult treatments or side affects, my doubts and concerns. I quit smoking and adopted a healthier lifestyle. My taste and saliva returned slowly back to, I would guess 90%. Today I very much enjoy the taste of a hot steak and a good glass of wine, although my wife is moving me slowly toward a veggie diet. Such is life......

Hi! My name is


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I was diagnosed when I was 37 after a miscarriage. My symptoms were similar to pregnancy so the diagnosis was surreal and a total shock to my family, friends and doctors! After a difficult journey I am happy to report I celebrated my 20 years cancer free this year! When I was diagnosed there were very few people to talk to who had been through a similar experience with ovarian cancer. Once I finished my treatments I wanted to make sure that others had someone to talk to who had walked down the same road they were on. Support from friends and family is great, but talking to someone who truly knows how you feel can make all the difference.

Hi! My name is


Trevor #1 2

I was diagnosed at the age of 52 with Stage 3 Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. My diagnosis came as a big shock to me and my family since no one in my family has ever had cancer. No one knew what I was going through, or knew how to help, or what to say to me. After my battle I felt the need to help other people, so, I became a peer support volunteer with The Canadian Cancer Society in 2009.

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  1. Register online. 
  2. Select a volunteer by identifying the things you’d like to have in common. 
  3. Speak with a volunteer on the phone. 

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